![]() The Mystic’s Mandate involves a longer time-span than any other title in the Dragon’s Fire Series. Excluding the prologue, the book covers from 1274 to 1287. Some characters take part in the plot longer than others, so you’ll see a discrepancy in age spans throughout the sketches. Characters who are present from the start show a wider range of ages than those who join the story late or leave it early. Maygan Moore “Cowards! All of you! If you don’t go, I will!” Birthdate: 1267 Age at the time of this story: 7-20 Physical Characteristics: 5’7”; 148 lbs; auburn hair; brown eyes The fourth generation of a Mystic family, Maygan has been steeped in the Order’s lore and tradition since birth. Her father, Derrick Moore, was working to become a High Priest, but died of typhoid before he attained the position. Her mother, Johna, is a knowledgeable herbalist. Maygan is gifted with visions: images of the past and the future that no one else can see. The High Mystics admire, even envy, Maygan’s abilities, but she dislikes the visions—seeing what others cannot makes her uneasy. Urged to follow in her ancestors’ footsteps, Maygan studies hard to attain a high standing among her people. A quiet and compliant child, Maygan has a stubborn streak she conceals from others. She despises the Mystics’ home in the caves, and suffers from a breathing disorder on account of the smoky, stale air. Though comfortable with the darkness of the dragons’ lair, Maygan craves the light and longs to return to the way things were before the war. Her intelligence and determination earn her an enviable ranking in the Order at a young age, but her hatred of a Mystic prophecy and her frustration at the Order’s pacifist stance drive Maygan to take the future into her own hands. “Caledon has been at war my entire life. And it will be at war for the rest of my life, and far longer still. How do I know? The gods reveal things to Mystics that they don’t share with other people. We live in the dragon’s lair, in the dark, like moles. Caledon battles to keep Langdon away from the Black Cliffs, losing soldiers by the day, but will the able-bodied men hiding in the caves take up arms to defend their king and country? No! Because we are all brothers, the Archmystic says - us and our enemies. We do not make war against our own blood. Cowards! Langdon would kill us without a second thought - payment of an old debt. And we wait here for them to come, priding ourselves that we are higher than they - more noble - more enlightened. What a crock. I’m tired of sitting here, waiting to die. It’s time we took control of this situation and used our powers to alter our history and our future. The cost will be high, the Archmystic says, but history stole my tomorrows before I was born, and I want them back. I will restore my future or die trying! After all, what’s the point of living if there’s nothing to live for?” Background Information: The Mystics Caledon’s elite religious leaders have held a place of importance since the nation’s founding in 358. The common citizens hold the Mystics in awe as worshippers of the Dragon’s Fire, keepers of Caledon’s history, and predictors of its future. Mystics preside over marriage and death rites, possess vast knowledge of herbal medicine, and serve as advisors to the king. The Mystics prefer to keep their secrets within the “family.” An outsider’s chances of being accepted into the Order are greater if he has a relative who is part of the group. Women will not gain admission to the Order unless they are born into it, with one or both parents already in places of prominence. To acquire an official rank in the Order, an applicant must complete ten to fifteen years of study. A high-ranking position, such as High Priest, Ovate, or Archmystic, requires twenty years or more. The successful candidate will master:
Laurence Zandor “I can’t abide stupid people. Brainless heads hit the ground far faster than intelligent ones.” Birthdate: April 20, 1270 Age at the time of this story: 7-17 Physical Characteristics: 6’1”; 165 lbs; brown hair, brown eyes Great-grandson of Adrian Zandor, Laurence has been groomed from infancy to take the Crown of Zandor and overthrow Caledon. A series of traumatic childhood events scar the young prince, leaving him burdened with a secret he dare not share for fear of his life. Laurence withdraws emotionally, attempting to stamp out his feelings altogether. Upon the death of Laurence’s father, a succession of regents governs for the prince until he is old enough to take the throne and impact Zandor in unprecedented ways. He rules with a stern fist, but underhanded deals threaten his authority, and he clings to power by a narrow thread. Counsel from his wife and his regent conflict, and Laurence finds himself caught between two warring forces within his house, while fighting to hold on to his throne and his sanity. “They call me the King of Zandor, but I have no power until two years from now, when I will be old enough to wear the crown. Until then, the Regent makes decisions. Oh, he consults me, but he can override me on a whim, so what’s the point? Once I have all the power, Zandor will see what I’m made of. A lot of things are going to change around here - starting with the removal of every trace of Caledon from Zandor’s laws. It’s time I made this nation a powerful entity, not a shadow of Ampleforth, pining for the castle on the cliff. The weight of the crown is a tremendous responsibility - one that I anticipate and dread at the same time. But nothing could instill such a burden as the secret I’ve carried for the past seven years. This secret fills my every waking thought and my nightmares. If I reveal the secret, I will die, like everyone else who possessed this knowledge. I am haunted, taunted by knowledge I can never share with anyone, yet somehow, I must, or the consequences to the island of Caledon will be severe indeed.” Fergus Ulliac “Have you considered who will take your throne if something happens to you?” Birthdate: 1249 Age at the time of this story: 28-38 Physical Characteristics: 5’11”; 220 lbs; brown hair, brown eyes Fergus is the son of King Adrian’s closest advisor. He works as a palace bookkeeper, with an eye to gaining proximity to the throne and the ear of the king. A wizard with numbers, he holds the royal purse strings and a position of great trust. Fergus knows how to manipulate others to better himself, and how to ingratiate himself to those in prominent positions. Biding his time to claim a higher position, Fergus presents himself and the books with flawless perfection whenever required. Events combine to position Fergus in an optimal place to serve young Prince Laurence, and they forge a friendship that will have long-lasting implications for Zandor and the Crown. “A wise king surrounds himself with many trustworthy advisors. After all, no one should make decisions that affect nations and hundreds of thousands of people without proper counsel. But some counselors get closer to kings than others. My family has been that counselor to the rulers of Zandor for nigh on seventy years now. It’s an excellent position to occupy. One would have to try very hard to irritate the king enough to be banished from his side - with the proper balance of praise, fawning, and sage advice, one’s position is secure. So many envy the king’s place - his wealth, his comforts, his power. What they don’t realize is that the power doesn’t belong to the one who wears the crown. The power belongs to the master behind the scenes who controls the strings.” Join me in May for more characters and background information for The Mystic’s Mandate! Comments are closed.
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